1,154 research outputs found

    Refined elliptic tropical enumerative invariants

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    A New Interpretivist Metasemantics for Fundamental Legal Disagreements

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    What does it take for lawyers and others to think or talk about the same legal topic—e.g., defamation, culpability? We argue that people are able to think or talk about the same topic not when they possess a matching substantive understanding of the topic, as traditional metasemantics says, but instead when their thoughts or utterances are related to each other in certain ways. And what determines the content of thoughts and utterances is what would best serve the core purposes of the representational practice within which the thought or utterance is located. In thus favoring a “relational model” in metasemantics, we share Ronald Dworkin's goal of explaining fundamental legal disagreements, and also his reliance on constructive interpretation. But what we delineate is a far more general and explanatorily resourceful metasemantics than what Dworkin articulated, which also bypasses some controversial implications for the nature of law that Dworkin alleged

    Spin Hamiltonian for which the Chiral Spin Liquid is the Exact Ground State

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    We construct a Hamiltonian that singles out the chiral spin liquid on a square lattice with periodic boundary conditions as the exact and, apart from the two-fold topological degeneracy, unique ground state.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Veterans Day 2018

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    Bibliography and photographs of a display of government documents from The University of Toledohttps://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/lib-services-govdoc-display-holidays/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Near-infrared spectroscopy can detect brain activity during a color-word matching Stroop task in an event-related design

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    Brai nactivit ycanbemonitore dnon-invasivel ybynear-infrare dspectroscop y(NIRS) ,whic hhas severa ladvantage sincompariso nwit hothe rimagin gmethods ,suc hasflexibility ,portability ,low cost an dbiochemica lspecificity .Moreover ,patient san dchildre ncanberepetitivel yexamined .Therefore ,the objectiv eofthestud ywa stotes tthefeasibilit yofNIR Sfortheevent-relate dapproac hinfunctiona lbrain activatio nstudie swit hcognitiv eparadigms .Thus ,change sintheconcentratio nofoxy- ,deoxy- ,an dtotal hemoglobi nwer emeasure d byNIR Sin14health ysubject swhil eperformin ga color–wor d matching Stroo p tas k in an event-relate d design .Th ehemodynami crespons e(increas ein theconcentratio n of oxy-/tota lhemoglobi n an d decreas ein theconcentratio n ofdeoxy-hemoglobin )wa sstronge rduring incongruen tcompare dtocongruen tan dneutra ltrial softheStroo ptas kinthelatera lprefronta lcortex bilaterally .Thi sstronge rhemodynami crespons ewa sinterprete dasa stronge rbrai nactivatio nduring incongruen ttrial softheStroo ptask ,du etointerference .A ne w metho dforNIR Sdat aevaluatio nthat enable stheanalysi softhehemodynami crespons etoeac hsingl etria lisintroduced .Eac hhemodynamic respons ewa scharacterize dbytheparameter sgain ,lagan ddispersio nofa Gaussia nfunctio nfitte dby nonlinea rregression .Specifi cdifference sbetwee ntheincongruen tan dneutra lconditio nwer efoun dfor gai nan dlag .Further ,thes eparameter swer ecorrelate dwit hthebehaviora lperformance .Inconclusion, brai nactivit yma ybestudie d byNIR Susin gcognitiv estimul iinanevent-relate d design

    First Energy and Angle differential Measurements of e^+e^- -pairs emitted by Internal Pair Conversion of excited Heavy Nuclei

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    We present the first energy and angle resolved measurements of e+e- pairs emitted from heavy nuclei (Z>=40) at rest by internal pair conversion (IPC) of transitions with energies of less than 2MeV as well as recent theoretical results using the DWBA method, which takes full account of relativistic effects, magnetic substates and finite size of the nucleus. The 1.76MeV E0 transition in Zr90 (Sr source) and the 1.77MeV M1 transition in Pb207 (Bi source) have been investigated experimentally using the essentially improved set-up at the double-ORANGE beta-spectrometer of GSI. The measurements prove the capability of the setup to cleanly identify the IPC pairs in the presence of five orders of magnitude higher beta- and gamma background from the same source and to yield essentially background-free sum spectra despite the large background. Using the ability of the ORANGE setup to directly determine the opening angle of the e+e- pairs, the angular correlation of the emitted pairs was measured. In the Zr90 case the correlation could be deduced for a wide range of energy differences of the pairs. The Zr90 results are in good agreement with recent theory. The angular correlation deduced for the M1 transition in Pb207 is in strong disagreement with theoretical predictions derived within the Born approximation and shows almost isotropic character. This is again in agreement with the new theoretical results.Comment: LaTeX, 28 pages incl. 10 PS figures; Accepted by Z.Phys.

    Capgras delusion in posterior cortical atrophy: A quantitative multimodal imaging single case study

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    Although Alzheimer's disease presents homogeneous histopathology, it causes several clinical phenotypes depending on brain regions involved. Beside the most abundant memory variant, several atypical variants exist. Among them posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is associated with severe visuospatial/visuoperceptual deficits in the absence of significant primary ocular disease. Here, we report for the first time a case of Capgras delusion-a delusional misidentification syndrome, where patients think that familiar persons are replaced by identical "doubles" or an impostor-in a patient with PCA. The 57-year-old female patient was diagnosed with PCA and developed Capgras delusion 8 years after first symptoms. The patient did not recognize her husband, misidentified him as a stranger, and perceived him as a threat. Such misidentifications did not happen for other persons. Events could be interrupted by reassuring the husband's identity by the patient's female friend or children. We applied in-depth multimodal neuroimaging phenotyping and used single-subject voxel-based morphometry to identify atrophy changes specifically related to the development of the Capgras delusion. The latter, based on structural T1 magnetic resonance imaging, revealed progressive gray matter volume decline in occipital and temporoparietal areas, involving more the right than the left hemisphere, especially at the beginning. Correspondingly, the right fusiform gyrus was already affected by atrophy at baseline, whereas the left fusiform gyrus became involved in the further disease course. At baseline, glucose hypometabolism as measured by positron emission tomography (PET) with F18-fluorodesoxyglucose (FDG-PET) was evident in the parietooccipital cortex, more pronounced right-sided, and in the right frontotemporal cortex. Amyloid accumulation as assessed by PET with F18-florbetaben was found in the gray matter of the neocortex indicating underlying Alzheimer's disease. Appearance of the Capgras delusion was related to atrophy in the right posterior cingulate gyrus/precuneus, as well as right middle frontal gyrus/frontal eye field, supporting right frontal areas as particularly relevant for Capgras delusion. Atrophy in these regions respectively might affect the default mode and dorsal attention networks as shown by meta-analytical co-activation and resting state functional connectivity analyses. This case elucidates the brain-behavior relationship in PCA and Capgras delusion
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